How to install a WordPress plugin?

Do you want to know how to install a WordPress plugin? After installing WordPress, one of the first things everyone wants to do is add a plugin to WordPress.

In this guide, we’ll show you three pre-checks, followed by three ways of installing a plugin.


A quick note before we start: users cannot install plugins unless they upgrade to the Business or Ecommerce plans. Check out this article to see the differences between and

What is a WordPress Plugin?

WordPress plugins are additional software programs that extend and expand the core functionality of WordPress.

The scope of WordPress plugins is far-ranging. Some are small, simple programs, while others are larger and more intricate.

The scope of WordPress plugins varies significantly. For example, you can find free, simple plugins, such as:

And then, on the other hand, there are more advanced premium plugins, such as:

  • MonsterInsights – lets you track Google Analytics inside WordPress.
  • RafflePress – allows you to create giveaways, contests, and rewards easily.
  • Yoast SEO – helps optimize your WordPress blog for search engines.

Free plugins can be found in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Whereas premium plugins have to be purchased from the software vendor’s website.

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